Wednesday 20 March 2013

Where is Acornhoek today?

Or is it still stuck on the same shameful state that it’s always been, very little development. My throughout my entire existence, Acornhoek has always been the same.As for the municipality and its running’s, I wouldn't give it pointers. Let’s all as a community urge our officials to at least try to do best by us, after all we voted for them. Underlining on the BEE status, who’s benefiting from this, like really I know very little people who have made it big in reference to BEE or “tenders” as we
put it.

The Culprits

 Let’s be realistic but we all know that these so called tenders are awarded to friends or family members of municipal officials, how does this help helpless community members who've since become reluctant to
speaking out against poor service delivery and armatures who are awarded these deals.
The bent main entrance board at Tintswalo Hospital

Is Acornhoek ever going to be the ideal little town that we want and hope it will be? It raises doubt on my side? Growing up Acornhoek seemed like a little town that was going places, young as I was, I could see potential of a growing lil’township. I mean like we have a big hospital, a college (FET) and we were even graced with a youth centre (loveLife).
Where our Youth Used to hangout
But it all seem like it was all for nothing, Do you think there’s a chance for the small town to grow, or is this the end of what seemed like a promising future? 

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